
কোনো কাজ না করে আয় করুন ১০ থেকে ২৪ ডলার | Free Bitcoin Earning For Bitminer, Payment | Part Two

2018-01-15 2 Dailymotion

Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like dollars or euros – they’re produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems.

It’s the first example of a growing category of money known as the cryptocurrency.

a) 1st Video Link: https://youtu.be/8G26PZ5nBbU

Related Video:
a) https://youtu.be/gHILDjkr8p4


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Mohammad Anisur Rahaman
Software Engineer